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A Reason To Dance - Radio G!

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Thursday, April 15, 2004 -
Life has been drama, lately. I won't go into details of why I don't have as many friends as I used to, but that happened. Then, I had a bout with theives.

Let me explain. I'm moving, from near Riverside, to near LA. I have a new job, in LA, so I need to move, instead of commuting like 2 hours each way. I got this new apartment, well, new to me, but it's an old apartment. And I started moving my junk. Well, one night, I couldn't commute from work, as I was too tired. So, I headed to the new place. I got there, about 6, and was asleep by 6:30.

I awoke at 5 a.m. the next morning, and was looking around my place. I noticed things were not as I'd left them. Well, turns out I'd left a window ajar for some fresh air. Someone or someones took off the screen, and came in. Apparently not locating anything of value, they came into the room where I was sleeping, and took my pants, that were hanging on the door. And they took my wallet.

So, I spent most of that morning calling credit agencies, and credit card companies, and such. I think that's finally getting all straightend out.

About two weeks later, two days ago, my cell phone was stolen. I believe it to be someone at my new workplace, as calls were made to work numbers that are not public...

So, finally, I got the replacement phone in the mail today (thank goodness I purchases insurance this time around...) and have loaded many of my numbers into it. I've lost a lot of numbers that I hadn't written anywhere else, though. :-(

Anyway, that's an update, and I'm sticking to it.

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