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Sunday, March 12, 2006 - Why?
I'm often mesmerized by the world around me. And I admit, my view on the world is probably a bit odd. But, one has to wonder...

For example, I was shopping the other day, and I came across these bright pair of orange shorts. Did I need orange shorts? No. Did I want orange shorts? No. But, these still caught my eye...

They're ordinary, enough, huh? I mean, aren't caution orange shorts all the rage? But perhaps they're a bit small? So, why do I care? Ah, yes, here's something...a sticker...a real buying point, here...

Am I the ONLY one who wonders why you need caution orange shorts with this exciting selling point? I mean, they're priced at $.99 Only and made only in CHILDREN's sizes... I'm sure glad the polyester is flame resistant. I wouldn't have my sleepwear any other way.

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