This is the official Web site for GuyOnTheAir. It is not intended to amuse, entertain, or be a useful or factual source for information. Thoughts recorded on are just the streaming content of GuyOnTheAir's brain, nothing more or less. For more information, email
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Saturday, July 26, 2008
Is it just me, or does something smell funny?
My friend Jason convinced me to head to Magic Mountain for the afternoon. And since everybody seems to love my photos with "characters", here's the latest installment, taken with the TMD (Text Messaging Device, for those in-the-know.)
Well, this would be the latest installment, if I wasn't going to continue on the tradition of not having direct photos of GuyOnTheAir on this site. So, since I do indeed want to carry on that tradition, you'll have to get the fine photo at